Is lighter or darker hair more attractive?

According to most men and women, the most attractive hair color is brown. This may be because brown hair is often psychologically associated with positive attributes such as intelligence, confidence, independence and competence. Both lighter brown hair and lighter blonde hair are considered to be more attractive than darker or black hair. According to Deborah Arthurs for Daily Mail, men find women with darker hair more sexually attractive. I was exactly like you, my hair was as black as a wolf's mouth and I thought I looked too “emo” and dark to be feminine, so I gradually lightened my hair until it turned into ginger.

But then I realized that it damaged my hair and that it was much cheaper and easier to have dark hair, so I dyed it brown black and I wouldn't want it any other way now. In my opinion, dark hair looks more mature and luxurious, and looks good with any eye and skin color. Since you have dyed your hair dark, as I did, it's definitely better to keep it. If you want to go a little lighter, just go for a lighter shade of brown.

Lightening your hair is very harmful and having healthy dark hair will be much more beautiful and feminine than having light and brittle hair. While black hair is attractive to a woman, lighter and longer hair makes women look more attractive in some circumstances, according to research. Whether you like to experiment with different hair colors or prefer to stay natural, you may have asked yourself from time to time what hair color is considered the most attractive (and if blondes have fun) more). The explanation is probably that blond hair indicates youth, since people's hair tends to darken until middle age.

There is also evidence that preferences for blond or darker hair depend on the prevalence of that hair color in the area. As the data shows, around a third of the men surveyed stated that brown hair was the most attractive; while slightly less than 29 percent of men preferred women with black hair. Since hair tends to be thicker, healthier, and grows faster in young women (between 16 and 2 years old) than in older women, younger women would be expected to wear longer hair than older women to transmit a more perceptible and powerful signal of reproductive potential. In the same way, from an evolutionary perspective, blond hair points to youth as people's hair darkens with age, until it begins to turn white.

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